jueves, 12 de junio de 2014

Education in Chile

In the last years, has seen  as the education in Chile has had a mayor cavity inside of discussions of chilean society, since the student body, both universitary and secundary, have been expressing his repudation to teh form in which it it has be taken teh chilean education in these year, demanding an improvement in the quality and free of this, in other words, they look that chilean education, it is not a “well of consume”.  

In my opinión, this is something  that has to be done by the good of the profesional future of this country, since the duty of the state is deliver a free and quality education. If we want to be a developed country, we have to stop thinking lucratuvely some aspect of society, since in this case, the education. With this i dont want to say the prifit is bad, no, the profit is a part of society, but it is not necessary to apply in areas so important as the health and the education, since these have to be a right for the persons, not a "business", we cannot be seen as a few simple consuming ones.

It is true that this demands does not construct itself of one day for other one, but we have to see on the part of the pertinent authorities, a royal conviction to change the condition of the matter, with offers that look for one it would improve in the educational Chilean system, with a view to the creation of knowledge, of thinkers. I say this, principally for the way that does education to itself in Chile, since one begins his school life, since it cannot be that the educational system, principally basic level and average, this level focused in the memorization of knowledge, and not in the generation of thought, in the creation of a thought I criticize towards the contents delivered by the educators.