viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

Trip to Punta de Tralca
Hello friends, i will talks a Little about the journey to Punta de Tralca.
n the last semester, us went to trip to Punta de Tralca, in Region of Valparaiso, by the class of geomorphology. This trip was made mainly to watch the different geomophological processes on the beach. My partner in this trip was my best friend Cristian or “Gato Aburto”.
The commuting to Punta de Tralca was very bored, i went most the way sleeping, but when we arrive to our destiny, i start to see all the geomorphologic forms of the beach and the landscape , which seems to me very interesting, and the place that we arrive was very beatiful.
After walks over 30 minutes, we arrive to the beach, and in that momento the trip began entertaining, we start to go in the rockery, we popped into the water, and the professor explained to us how had formed the diferent geoform present in the landscape.
This trip, I liked very much, because was very entertaining an educative, as we could understand the causes of the formation of the beach, also we could recreate on the beach. The bad of this trip was that it was very cold day, so I couldn’t stay long in the water jajajaj.