jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

"Earth 2100"

Name of Movie: Earth 2100
Describe/list/ outline the main themes of the movie. (50 words)

The most important of the themes of the movie, is the destruction or overexploitation of the our environment, because the irresponsibility of the governments of the earth, what they don’t agree in the protection of the environment, which have a series of consequences in the life human, such as war, famine, drought, diseases, etc. this movie, show us the worst case scenario in the future if we don’t protect and conserve our natural resources.

Write a review (200 words) of the video. Highlight the importance of the movie’s information/ themes/ topics to your own personal experience and professional perspective.

The movie show us a series of themes by product of a bad policy of protection and conservation of the natural resources, which consequences lie in the future of the human race. For example, the war and fight because of the lack of water in the world, the famine, the dead of millions of people, and any other. From my own perspective, this represent the most trouble of the human, because, we are the best predator of the world, we are big consumerist and we don’t see the damage we are him to the world, the place what we live, and the only one. Thus, the applications of the green technology (Eolic energy, solar energy, and any other), like show the movie, is a very good instrument for the conservation and protection of the environment, because, from geographical perspective, the sustainability in the time is the best answer for this trouble today, and the equal distribution of the natural resources, we allow survive in time, without spend and destroy our environment, but must have a real intension from the government and the privates, to make what this ideas and technologies can be real and they can be applied in the world, for that, must be set aside the greed, envy and the avarice therefore we characterize as race.

List a minimum of three facts, pieces of important information or “other” from the video that you would like to remember and would want to tell a friend about.

1. The fight in the frontiers: This part I drew my attention, because I saw how the human can destroy himself by the desperation, for their own good.

2. The Lucy’s hope: It is not a part of the movie, but Lucy always was thinking in a better future, that there are still hope to make a batter world, even if it is destroyed. Something like that show us the most important quality of the human, the capacity of the stand up in the worst case.

3. The reunion of the principals leaders of the world: in this part, where the leaders of the world discussed about the lower the emission of CO2, but they don’t reach agreement. In this part I see how the avarice and greed of the human can destroy us, just a little benefit of a one person (or country).

1 comentario:

  1. Dante:

    WC: 436. Far too many words! part of your mark is based on synthesis, please, stick to the number of words required in the future.

    I liked your presentation, I could easily see your point of view about the film contrasting it with human charcateristics. However, I strongly recommend you to check your text carefully before you publish it.

    Please check these obs:

    The most important of the themes of the movie, is the destruction or overexploitation of the (our) environment, because OF the irresponsibility of the governments of the E(e)arth, what they don’t agree in the protection of the environment, which haS(ve) a series of consequences in (the life human) HUMAN LIFE, such as war, famine, drought, diseases, etc. this movie, showS us the worst case scenario in the future if we don’t protect and conserve our natural resources.

    The movie showS us a series of themes (by) product of a bad policy of protection and conservation of the natural resources, which consequences lie in the future of the human race. For example, the war and fight because of the lack of water in the world, the famine, the dead of millions of people, and (any) otherS. From my own perspective, this representS the (most) BIGGEST trouble of (the) humanS, because, we are the best predatorS of the world, we are big consumeristS and we don’t see the damage we are (him??) to the world, the place what we live IN, and the only one. Thus, the applications of (the) green technology ((Eolic) WIND energy, solar energy, and any other), like (show) the movie SHOWS, is a very good instrument for the conservation and protection of the environment, because, from A geographical perspective, the sustainability in (the) time is the best answer for this trouble today, and the equal distribution of the natural resources, (we allow survive in time), without spendING (WHAT?) and destroyING our environment, but WE? must have a real intenT(s)ion from the government and the private(s) SECTOR, to make T(w)hat thE(i)sE ideas and technologies can be real and they can be applied in the world, for that, WE must (be) set aside (the) greed, envy and the avarice (therefore we characterize as race??)

    1. The fight in the frontiers: This part (I) drew my attention, because I saw how (the) humanS can destroy (himself) THEMSELVES by the desperation, for their own good.

    2. (The) Lucy’s hope: It is not a part of the movie, but Lucy always was thinking in a better future, that there (are) IS still hope to make a b(a)Etter world, even if it is destroyed. Something like that showS us the most important quality of (the) humanS, the capacity of the stand up in the worst case.

    3. The reunion of the principals leaders of the world: in this part, where the leaders of the world discussed about the lowerING OF the emission of CO2, but they don’t reach AN agreement. In this part I see how the avarice and greed of (the) humanS can destroy us, just a little benefit of a one person (or country).


