jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Something about you reading

Hello folks, do you like read? Personally, I don’t read much, but I talk about a book that I like very much, indeed, is my favorite book.

The book that I read is called “the name of the rose” by Umberto Ecco, is a historical book also of mystery. I read this book some 5 time, is my favorite book. But I know the book by the movie of 1986, where work Sean Connery. This novel is about a series of mysteries murderess in an abbey in the north of Italy, in XIV century.

These deaths were related with a mysterious book, a book very olds, an Aristoteles’s book. To solve this murderess, the Abad of the abbey, ask to William de Baskerville and him novice Adso de Melk that investigate and discover the responsible of this deaths.

I like this book because the ambient is very dark and mysterious, this has a religious context, where I can see the different point of view of the religious congregations, like the Benedictine or Franciscan. Also he has very historical quotes, and I like very much the history.

I really enjoyed this book overcoat the part that discover the assassin and why he kill those monks.
I recommended if you like the novel of mystery and murderess, with a historical context. Also I recommended the movie, but the book is much complete, and in the movie change thing that in the book happens. J

Thank you for read this little blog, bye friends.

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