viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014

Why i’m studying…
Hello friends, today i would like talk about the reason of I choose study geography.

This decision i take it in 2011, when i saw the newpapers the carrer of geography. In that time i didn’t know that was the career or what i doing being geographer, but the only i want was study in the Universidad de Chile.

When i entry to career, i fall in love of geography. My partners, the visión of the geography and his great range of disciplines is something that i love of my career. This career i allowed see the landscape and the territory with a different visión.

The something that i dislike of geography are the class of geography physical, because this type of class are very  boring and i need have a lot of memory to learn the matter.

When i graduate, i would like to specialize in economic geography (is my favorite discipline of geography) with a post-grade or something like this, and then i like to travel around the world and try to understand the reason of the different process with my visión. At last i like to dedicated to the academic life and tell to the next geographer the ting that i saw and theach them.

Well that isa ll folks, thank you.

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Something about you reading

Hello folks, do you like read? Personally, I don’t read much, but I talk about a book that I like very much, indeed, is my favorite book.

The book that I read is called “the name of the rose” by Umberto Ecco, is a historical book also of mystery. I read this book some 5 time, is my favorite book. But I know the book by the movie of 1986, where work Sean Connery. This novel is about a series of mysteries murderess in an abbey in the north of Italy, in XIV century.

These deaths were related with a mysterious book, a book very olds, an Aristoteles’s book. To solve this murderess, the Abad of the abbey, ask to William de Baskerville and him novice Adso de Melk that investigate and discover the responsible of this deaths.

I like this book because the ambient is very dark and mysterious, this has a religious context, where I can see the different point of view of the religious congregations, like the Benedictine or Franciscan. Also he has very historical quotes, and I like very much the history.

I really enjoyed this book overcoat the part that discover the assassin and why he kill those monks.
I recommended if you like the novel of mystery and murderess, with a historical context. Also I recommended the movie, but the book is much complete, and in the movie change thing that in the book happens. J

Thank you for read this little blog, bye friends.
A special Talent

Hello friend, today i write about a special talent that I have, I hope that like you.
Well, one of my talent (i don’t have much ajjaja) is drawing, overcoat in black and white. This talent born when I was a little child, in that time, also of play with toy, I passed hour drawing everything.  My drawing was very simples, but over time, I could draw better thing, like people, animals and other things of the world.

This talent is very useful because the people sometime ask me one draw to give to other people, like portraits, and I could charge some money, but the most important is that the drawing I may express my emotion, my imagination, my feelings, and my thought, this is very important because I can say thing with a different form of expression.

The people say that my talent is very beautiful, and they like drawing like me, but always I say that I can teach them, they say no, because they ashamed of their drawings. I always say them that is matter of time to drawing like me, that they need have patience and perseverance, and practice everyday to make beautiful draw.
Well, that’s all folks ajjaja bye.

This is one of my last work J

miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014

A group Activity

Hello friends, well, today i like talk about a group activity that I like very much with my friends, play football.

Well, since very long time, I like the football, but I’m very bad with my feet, but I have a natural talent to be a goalkeeper, and since then i play football in the arc. My friends say me that I very good, and always ask me if I play football like goalkeeper.

In Coquimbo, I never play a championship of the school, but I play in the breaks or in class of gym, or with my friends of the neighborhood in the weekends.  The team of my friends of Coquimbo was very goods, the most of the challengers, we wins.

When i arrived to Santiago, I formed a team with my partners of the University; the team is called “Chico Terry F.C.”. The purpose of the name is because in the TV show “31 minutos”, existed a character that he always said “yo juego a da peota” (I play to football ball), and always we are playing football.

Since I among the university, with my team always participate in the “Copa Fau” and “Copa Geografía”, be our greatest achievement the championship of geography in 2013.
In the last time I started play with a community of the Real Madrid al the weekends.

This is my team "Chico Terry F.C.

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

Trip to Punta de Tralca
Hello friends, i will talks a Little about the journey to Punta de Tralca.
n the last semester, us went to trip to Punta de Tralca, in Region of Valparaiso, by the class of geomorphology. This trip was made mainly to watch the different geomophological processes on the beach. My partner in this trip was my best friend Cristian or “Gato Aburto”.
The commuting to Punta de Tralca was very bored, i went most the way sleeping, but when we arrive to our destiny, i start to see all the geomorphologic forms of the beach and the landscape , which seems to me very interesting, and the place that we arrive was very beatiful.
After walks over 30 minutes, we arrive to the beach, and in that momento the trip began entertaining, we start to go in the rockery, we popped into the water, and the professor explained to us how had formed the diferent geoform present in the landscape.
This trip, I liked very much, because was very entertaining an educative, as we could understand the causes of the formation of the beach, also we could recreate on the beach. The bad of this trip was that it was very cold day, so I couldn’t stay long in the water jajajaj.

jueves, 12 de junio de 2014

Education in Chile

In the last years, has seen  as the education in Chile has had a mayor cavity inside of discussions of chilean society, since the student body, both universitary and secundary, have been expressing his repudation to teh form in which it it has be taken teh chilean education in these year, demanding an improvement in the quality and free of this, in other words, they look that chilean education, it is not a “well of consume”.  

In my opinión, this is something  that has to be done by the good of the profesional future of this country, since the duty of the state is deliver a free and quality education. If we want to be a developed country, we have to stop thinking lucratuvely some aspect of society, since in this case, the education. With this i dont want to say the prifit is bad, no, the profit is a part of society, but it is not necessary to apply in areas so important as the health and the education, since these have to be a right for the persons, not a "business", we cannot be seen as a few simple consuming ones.

It is true that this demands does not construct itself of one day for other one, but we have to see on the part of the pertinent authorities, a royal conviction to change the condition of the matter, with offers that look for one it would improve in the educational Chilean system, with a view to the creation of knowledge, of thinkers. I say this, principally for the way that does education to itself in Chile, since one begins his school life, since it cannot be that the educational system, principally basic level and average, this level focused in the memorization of knowledge, and not in the generation of thought, in the creation of a thought I criticize towards the contents delivered by the educators.

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

"Earth 2100"

Name of Movie: Earth 2100
Describe/list/ outline the main themes of the movie. (50 words)

The most important of the themes of the movie, is the destruction or overexploitation of the our environment, because the irresponsibility of the governments of the earth, what they don’t agree in the protection of the environment, which have a series of consequences in the life human, such as war, famine, drought, diseases, etc. this movie, show us the worst case scenario in the future if we don’t protect and conserve our natural resources.

Write a review (200 words) of the video. Highlight the importance of the movie’s information/ themes/ topics to your own personal experience and professional perspective.

The movie show us a series of themes by product of a bad policy of protection and conservation of the natural resources, which consequences lie in the future of the human race. For example, the war and fight because of the lack of water in the world, the famine, the dead of millions of people, and any other. From my own perspective, this represent the most trouble of the human, because, we are the best predator of the world, we are big consumerist and we don’t see the damage we are him to the world, the place what we live, and the only one. Thus, the applications of the green technology (Eolic energy, solar energy, and any other), like show the movie, is a very good instrument for the conservation and protection of the environment, because, from geographical perspective, the sustainability in the time is the best answer for this trouble today, and the equal distribution of the natural resources, we allow survive in time, without spend and destroy our environment, but must have a real intension from the government and the privates, to make what this ideas and technologies can be real and they can be applied in the world, for that, must be set aside the greed, envy and the avarice therefore we characterize as race.

List a minimum of three facts, pieces of important information or “other” from the video that you would like to remember and would want to tell a friend about.

1. The fight in the frontiers: This part I drew my attention, because I saw how the human can destroy himself by the desperation, for their own good.

2. The Lucy’s hope: It is not a part of the movie, but Lucy always was thinking in a better future, that there are still hope to make a batter world, even if it is destroyed. Something like that show us the most important quality of the human, the capacity of the stand up in the worst case.

3. The reunion of the principals leaders of the world: in this part, where the leaders of the world discussed about the lower the emission of CO2, but they don’t reach agreement. In this part I see how the avarice and greed of the human can destroy us, just a little benefit of a one person (or country).